With our livestream + video recording service your next event can be shared around the world as it happens. After the event, viewers can even watch the HD edited video on demand via YouTube on their big screen TVs.
Tag: video

Onboard with Team Izumi
KAV was hired to film the Pan American Pro Bass Championship held recently in Cornwall. As the videographer, I was on board Team Izumi’s boat to capture Bob and his son Darren in action. Their banter was priceless, and their expertise is world-class. Look out for an episode featuring tournament highlights shot in Cornwall and the fishing action on Lake St. Francis coming soon to Bob Izumi’s Real Fishing Show on Global TV, realfishing.com and possibly elsewhere.

Planning a Video Production
We have all been told about the power of video for marketing and public awareness. As a videographer, I am often approached by organizations to produce promotional videos. I try to be involved right from the planning stage to help guide the decision makers along the path through shooting, final edit and delivery. After all, the goal is a video that gets attention and delivers the right message to viewers and potentially new clients.

Newborn screening test explained in 30 languages
Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO) has decided to use a video series that will be available in thirty of the most commonly spoken languages in the province. KAV is working with a multilingual translation firm along with a variety of local voice artists on the latest series to be released in 30 languages later this spring.

Music Video – Save Your Life
Fire prevention is key to saving lives and property. In an effort to extend its safety message to citizens beyond conventional media, Cornwall Fire Services teamed up with KAV Productions to produce a music video. Using a little humour and some powerful images, the parody “Save Your Life” is based on the Sam Hunt hit, Take Your Time. CFS chief, Pierre Voisine and his firefighters, are using likes and shares on social media to spread the word about having working smoke detectors and planing emergency escapes from homes.